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Commended for the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators

Commended for the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators
Senior Languages

Congratulations Eri N for receiving a commendation for the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2024! 

Over 16,000 students participated in the prize, so being commended is a fantastic achievement. 

Eri says, "This competition was my first translation related competition ever, so it was pleasantly surprising when I received a commendation. I have been learning Mandarin in school for around 9 months now. I love my Mandarin classes so it's always a subject I look forward to. The part I found hard about this challenge was attempting to translate Mandarin into English while trying to keep the same atmosphere and portrayal as the original poem, while also trying not to make the translation too bland. I guessed that the poem had a few Chinese literary techniques incorporated into it as well, so I tried to add in a few English literary devices.  I had a lot of fun testing out various translations in the process. This challenge was very insightful, and it called upon me to have a creative and flexible mind.


Well done Eri!

Competition text:











Eri's translation:

Snow falls

Snow falls; snow stops

Now the white fluttering flowers are nowhere to be seen

Although, the rooftops are pale

Yet still some colour remains.


When I pass beneath, I cannot see the rooftop-

I encounter another; and I tell them, "It's snowing"

They believe me not.

Perhaps, it shouldn't be believed indeed.


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Commended for the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators