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Linguistica Languages Conference 2024

Linguistica Languages Conference 2024
Partnerships Languages

Debating in a modern language, translating film sub-titles, engaging with language graduates... All this was on offer during our annual Linguistica Conference!

On Friday 7th June, WHS students were joined by our partner schools Ricards Lodge and Harris Academy Wimbledon. The conference kicked off with our keynote speaker, Emma Waterhouse, who spoke about how languages have taken her into Law and recently into the world of Finance. Then, three alumnae spoke of the essential, transferable skills languages have enabled them to develop in their careers in Sport and Diplomacy. Furthermore, the pupils attended workshops on translation skills and oracy, where they debated a range of motions such as 'mobile phones are dangerous' through the medium of French, Spanish and German, as well as having a taste of Mandarin in the Sixth Form.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the day a great success!

- Mrs Treseder


Students say...

"For the 2024 Linguistica Conference, we first listened to the interesting talk that showed us where studying languages can take you, from someone who studied languages at university and now works in finance. The panel discussion was next, and we really enjoyed this because it was very discursive and enlightening. Three Wimbledon High alumnae came to tell us where languages took them – from high level sports to cabinet office jobs, it proved to us that studying languages opens so many doors. Finally, we enjoyed working with students at other local schools in tasks like subtitling classic French films, and debating key topics. It was a really enjoyable day!"

- Harriet Q and Leila D, Y10


"During this year's Linguistica Conference I had the pleasure of panelling three alumnae of our school. In this session I was able to expand my knowledge on how languages can be beneficial for my future. The alumnae spoke with experience discussing the ways in which languages help to build your confidence, be agile, think quickly, and lastly the multiple unexpected doors it opens. This panel has built anticipation and excitement for my years to come studying at university and reminded me why I chose French - because it is great studying the influences behind French culture and in general ’c'est merveilleux’!"

- Salomé W, Y10 


"This year's Linguistica Conference was an honour to be a part of. In the second part of the day we heard from three Wimbledon High alumnae speaking about the influence that studying modern languages both at A-Level and at University has had on them and their careers, as well as discussing the importance of continuing to learn languages. Be it working in sport, government, or business management their stories were certainly inspiring and opened all our eyes to the different directions languages can take us.

Following this, workshops involving subtitling films and holding debates in a language the students are studying helped reinforce the importance of languages in our everyday life. The debates in particular helped to remind the Year 10 students that their language skills extend beyond the classroom and allow them to communicate their beliefs and ideas with those around them; we could tell that many students' confidence grew as the session went on.

Overall, the conference was incredibly valuable as an opportunity to bring students from different schools together to celebrate languages and the importance that they hold in our everyday lives. I, for one, definitely really appreciated the opportunity to talk to alumnae who have used their languages, reminding me of the transferable skills that come with studying them."

- Martha T, Y12




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