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German Exchange - Munich 2022

German Exchange - Munich 2022
Senior Languages

Last month, German students took part in an exciting Munich Exchange Trip.

"The Munich exchange trip was a truly unforgettable experience and one I will remember forever. To become fully immersed so quickly into German culture was incredible, and I was fortunate that my host family were so welcoming, and they made it easy to settle in and enjoy the trip. They planned many exciting excursions for me, such as visiting Salzburg in Austria and going to my pen-friend’s village’s festival, where I even got to wear a dirndl! I loved the group activities too; visiting a traditional Bavarian restaurant on the first night was certainly the right way to start the exchange. For me, though, the highlight of the trip was going tobogganing altogether on the last day near Lake Schliersee, as the views were incredible and it was so nice to have fun with everyone before we had to say goodbye." - Abigail F (Year 10) 

Watch highlights of the trip below:

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German Exchange - Munich 2022