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Auditorium Opening Reception

Auditorium Opening Reception
Whole School

And so, the moment came. Almost four years after the spade hit the ground for the start of Project ex Humilibus, here we were, on Wednesday 9 November 2022, ready to celebrate the official Opening of our Auditorium, Sixth Form Centre and Playground in the Sky and to thank all those involved in every way possible in making it happen.

As Head Ms Fionnuala Kennedy reminded us, this was: "A project for future generations of Wimbledonians, who will have their sights lifted and raised by having the experience of learning and living in these glorious spaces. Schools are not about buildings, they’re about people, of course they are, but I know for myself the elevation of spirit afforded by being inspired in beautiful spaces – as Churchill put it: we shape the buildings, and then they shape us.

"I can’t imagine a better gift for us to give to our young people, present and future, than to be shaped here, in this wonderful school. Today is our 142nd birthday and it is humbling and wonderful to think of what that first pioneering Head, Edith Hastings, would think if she could stand here with us, and what the 26th Head will think in 142 years’ time...."

Dr Parsons had collaborated with Music and Drama across Seniors and Juniors to come up with a superb set of performances, making best use of the range of talent WHS students display and the beautiful acoustics afforded by the specially designed space. West End professional and Wimbledon alumna Aliza Vakil opened with Into the Woods and, looking to the future, we closed with our Junior choir signing a moving, signed, rendition of 'Can You Hear Me?' There was time to catch up with WHS families and staff old and new as donors spotted their leaves on the magnificent donor tree that was unveiled, showing the generous support of so many families and individuals to the project.

Watch our for highlight videos on our social media accounts soon...

Photos below: 

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