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Friends of WHS Thank You Party

Friends of WHS Thank You Party
Whole School Events

Last night, the sun shone (unbelievably!) and we were able to host our annual Thank You Party for Friends of WHS to thank them for all their hard work and fundraising over the academic year. 

The event took place in our newly created garden at the front of the school by Mansel Road which was in full bloom!  The fundraising from the Friends of WHS Ball in October 2022 helped make the garden a reality along with individual donations from parents on the night.  

The garden is now a beautiful retreat for Senior students at break and lunchtime and a learning space for Junior pupils.

Whilst enjoying Pimms and canapes, we were able to thank the Friends of WHS Committee, Class Reps and donors who attended the event for their generosity and unveil a plaque as a permanent thank you to everyone.

And now a lovely film to share of the evening HERE

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Friends of WHS Thank You Party