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WHS Music Returns

WHS Music Returns
Senior Music

What a start to the term we have had here in Music! We’ve quickly become reaccustomed to hearing the dolce tones of A Cappella reverberating around the Senior Hall in the mornings, and bopping along to the music resonating up and around the school from our awesome Swing Band with their rendition of La La Land.

Symphony Orchestra has resurfaced in full force with a whopping 70+ members from Years 7-13 in preparation for our large scale set-piece events like Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols and our (soon to return as) annual Cadogan Hall concert. Staff enjoy their Friday cake and coffee alongside students at our weekly Friday Jammin’.

As we all know, social distancing has become an entrenched and often restrictive part of our everyday lives. Our resilient and pragmatic musicians have taken this new way of life and have turned it into a positive; spacing out in rehearsals and assuming greater ownership over the sounds produced from their own voices and instruments to create a more communicative and homogenous ensemble. The developing musicians who have appeared before me in real life rehearsals since our return to school have been overwhelmingly well spirited, and I very much look forward to hearing and working with these musicians as they train and develop in the foreseeable future. Watch this space!

Miss Robertshaw, Acting Director of Music

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WHS Music Returns