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Year 6 Production of 'Pan'

Year 6 Production of 'Pan'
Junior Drama

Last week, Year 6 staged two incredible performances of ‘Pan: The Musical’, based on J.M. Barrie’s classic story ‘Peter Pan’. The play was adapted by Mark, Helen and Naomi Johnson, and Sue Langwade.

For two nights the audience was immersed in a world of magic and pirates in a spectacularly transformed Rutherford Theatre as Pan, Wendy and friends explored Neverland and went head-to-head against the villainous Captain Hook. 

Any additional money raised through ticket sales will go to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), a charity that has a long connection with JM Barrie and Peter Pan. In 1929, with the popularity of both the play and the novel firmly established, Barrie unexpectedly and generously gifted his copyright of Peter Pan to GOSH.

Barrie had already supported GOSH over many years and in 1929 he was approached to sit on a committee to help buy land, so that the Hospital could build a much-needed new wing. Barrie declined, but said that he ‘hoped to find another way to help’. Two months later, the Hospital board was stunned to learn that Barrie had donated all his rights for Peter Pan to GOSH. At a Guildhall dinner later that year, Barrie explained the impetus for his gift: ‘At one time, Peter Pan was an invalid in the Hospital… and it was he who put me up to the little thing I did.’

Through this gift, Peter Pan’s magic made an unprecedented leap from the realm of fiction into reality and the Hospital began to receive royalties every time a production of the play was on, as well as from the sale of Peter Pan books and other products. Barrie requested that the amount raised for the Hospital from Peter Pan never be revealed, and GOSH has always honoured his wishes.

In recognition of J M Barrie’s unprecedented generosity, and the exceptional work of the Hospital itself, the House of Lords sprinkled more fairy dust over GOSH in 1988, by voting overwhelmingly for a special clause in the UK’s Copyright Designs & Patents Act. This amendment gives the Hospital the right to a royalty from Peter Pan in perpetuity. Thus, for over 80 years, the story of Peter Pan and his battle against archenemy Captain Hook has enchanted children and adults alike, and continues to benefit the seriously ill children who come to GOSH for life-saving treatment every day.

Congratulations to Year 6 for two wonderful performances. Make sure to view the photos below!


Flickr album: Pan - Cast 1 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin
Flickr album: Pan - Cast 2 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

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