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Year 3 Explore Kew Gardens

Year 3 Explore Kew Gardens
Junior Junior Trips

On Wednesday Year 3 had a wonderful day at Kew Gardens.

During our time there we visited the children’s garden, we saw the art installation of The Hive and we saw the Palm House. The girls took part in a workshop on “Nature in Art”, and enjoyed drawing a plant in the conservatory using pastels and creating different effects. They also created a colour collage using objects that they found on the ground and finally they created their own version of an Andy Goldsworthy piece of artwork using leaves and sticks. The girls all had fun, while respecting other visitors in the gardens. Thank you to all the adults who came with us. Well done girls on a lovely Art day at Kew.

Miss Millar & Mrs Thompson, Year 3 Teachers 

Year 3 Kew Gardens

WHS Year 3 Kew Gardens

Year 3 Kew Gardens

Year 3 Kew Gardens

Year 3 Kew Gardens WHS

WHS Year 3 Kew Gardens Trip

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Year 3 Explore Kew Gardens