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Time to act - COP26

Time to act - COP26
Whole School Environment

'The will to act must come from within... Please open your hearts' so spoke Kenyan activist Elizabeth Wathuti as she addressed COP26 this week. It was a powerful reminder to our whole community that we all have a role to play in saving the planet, while all eyes are on the decision makers gathering in Glasgow. 

Ms Wathuti's address kicked off The Great Big Lesson on Friday (watch here), in which all Seniors took part, and it highlighted the devastating impact climate change has wrought on her home country. Young people from across the globe tuned in for the live session, with expert contributors showing the extent of global warming. Thank you to Miss Sinclair for organising our participation.

Juniors will have a COP26 assembly next Monday, and science classes have been raising and answering questions, even having a go at making a fish sculpture out of recycled materials. They have also taken the theme of 'what can I do?' in the making of some wonderful 'pledgehogs' to display the pledges of girls and staff. You can see some of these below:

Pledgehog 1

Pledgehog 2

Fittingly this week, Unconquered Peaks was given over to climate issues, with a thought provoking long read by our environment rep Sophia H (who is also working with GDST peers Trust wide on all things eco) on the role of women and education in tackling the challenges ahead. The eco committee's work is ongoing, boosted by its membership of the Eco Schools programme. More on that in due course!

Find some top tips that you as an individual can help minimise the climate crisis, composed by Sophia H:

  • Fly less, drive less – it doesn’t matter if you have an electric car, you’re still using carbon.
  • Eat less meat and fish; eat more plants.
  • Consume less (particularly clothes - use Depop instead, it’s brilliant) and buy locally sourced produce.
  • Stop buying plastic. Recycling isn’t enough
  • Be climate and politically active. Hold politicians, corporations and businesses to account; make them meet COP26 promises.

And a reminder that our eco blog Evergreen gives weekly updates on the issues that matter.

And on a whole school strategic level, Director of Finance and Operations, Mrs Jones, detailed all the initiatives in school that are ensuring we are becoming more energy efficient - both in terms of the new build, solar panel installation and changes to lighting, etc - and in the Victorian buildings of the school. 




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Time to act - COP26