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Romans and pirates in Painshill Park

Romans and pirates in Painshill Park
Junior School Humanities

On Wednesday Year 3 set off for a fun day to Painshill Park in Surrey.

Both classes excitedly participated in a Roman session where they created a Roman settlement and tried to capture Britannia (fun stuff!). For the other session of the day, the girls undertook a pirate treasure hunt by following clues and looking at the map to discover where the treasure was hidden.

The girls visited all the different sites in the park and undertook the challenges with great enthusiasm. A huge thank you to all the parents who came with us. It was a lovely day out in the fresh air - we're looking forward to more adventures! 

Miss Millar & Mrs Thompson, Year 3 Teachers 

Y3 Painshill Park WHS

Y3 Painshill Park WHS

Y3 Painshill Park WHS

WHS Painshill Park Year 3

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